Plywood Flooring & Roofing

Plywood Panels

It is suitable for all dry interior uses where protected from weather or dampness, including but not limited to structural flooring, flooring diaphragm, and ceiling diaphragm. It may be used as a roof sheathing where provided for by a BRANZ appraisal or CodeMark.

Select products are available supplied treated to H3 (ACQ) to meet uses and treatment requirements as defined in NZS 3602:2003.

Additional information

Roofing Sizes

2700 x 1200 x 15mm

Flooring Sizes

UT 2400 x 1200 x 19mm, H3.2 2400 x 1200 x 19mm, H3.2 2400 x 1200 x 21mm

Technical Documents

Hume Pine Minor Variation Form v1.1

Hume Pine Plywood PTS v1.0

Hume Pine Builders Guide v1.0

Hume Pine Owners Guide v1.0