Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility
Hume Pine is committed to the pursuit of operating our entire business process in an ethical, socially responsible and environmentally sustainable manner at all times.
We embrace and strive for the ethical sourcing of our raw materials and finished products, promote local development, innovation and community support while supporting environmental awareness, protection and enhancement.
Our ongoing goal is to provide our valued customer base with complete confidence that our products have been produced and supplied with minimal impact on the environment and a positive impact on our community.
Ethical Sourcing
We strive to ensure that our preferred suppliers of wood based materials have FSC® certification and/or similar independent accreditation and abide by the guidelines and hold to the principals of these standards.
The majority of the products supplied to our local and export customer base are sourced and manufactured in New Zealand. When local manufacturing does not satisfy our customers’ requirements we source from within the Hume group of companies or from trusted external suppliers internationally.
Representatives from the Hume group travel to these factories to ensure our expectations are met or exceeded.

Social Responsibility and Community Involvement
With a team comprising of over 120 people (and growing) in Rotorua and Christchurch, Hume Pine care about the future development of our team and the wider community. We provide both internal development programs and trade training to our team to maximize their potential.
We also provide support to community initiatives such as the Toi Ohomai Charity House, Rotorua Men’s Shed and other worthwhile local organizations.
Environmental Awareness, Protection and Enhancements
Plantation grown timber is a fully sustainable resource that is non-toxic, reusable and versatile. The continued growth and planting of forests aid in the reduction of carbon dioxide.
We endeavour to only use raw materials sourced from sustainable sources, ensuring our suppliers of raw material products are certified by appropriate independent, third party environmental stewardship programs including FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council), and hold to the principles of and guidelines contained within these programs.